McGilvray "Seven Bridges" Road

Making a Difference

DNR funds for managing the trail and the Van Loon Wildlife Area are limited. The generosity of those who support the Friends of McGilvray Road with volunteering labor and monetary donations has been critical in completing many projects to keep the trail usable.

Click here to see your donation and membership dollars at work!

How Can I contribute?

Friends of McGilvray are grateful for any donations through volunteering your time or monetary funding. 


We are always in need of volunteers for work on various projects and activities. including:  

One-Time Donations and Memberships

Please help us continue our work by making a one-time donation or committing to a membership. Below are suggested tiers that are affordable and still supportive. Donations and memberships are payable at anytime. All funding is greatly appreciated and your longterm membership with FMR is highly appreciated. Thank you for any amount you can provide.

For your convenience, you make a one-time donation or sign up for a membership using donor forms below, or use PayPal. Alternately, you may mail your donation or membership subcription to McGilvray.  A paper registration form and check​ or mail in a Registration form and pay on line using PayPal.

Membership Tiers

$25 for Individuals (annual)
$100 for businesses (annual)

$100 Bridge Supporter  
$500 Lifetime Patron

Membership Renewals

Current members may renew by:

Friends of McGilvray Road
PO Box 2976
La Crosse WI 54602

One-Time Donations

Please use the red donor box or mail a check with our donor form to the FMR mailing address:

Friends of McGilvray Road
PO Box 2976
La Crosse WI 54602

Membership Subscription

One-Time Donation

Worker Bees